Student Solution


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Home Work 11

Home Work 11

Q Read chapter 2. Define Issue and Conclusion. Give a unique (not in the book) example of each. What are the 2 types of Issues? How do they differ? Are they really different, and if so, how so? Then: WSE (Watch, summarize, evaluate): (Links to an external site.) Summarize: state the basic argument by listing the Issue, the main reasons, and the conclusion. Then Evaluate: discuss what you think is true or false about the argument/article. See the handout in Files about how to do the Homework: the RSE/WSE work.

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An issue is a problem, debate, or discussion. It’s about what’s right and wrong. The conclusion is the answer to the issue. A perfect example of this two things is the issue that I’m currently ongoing in Russia and Ukraine. The issue is prescriptive because if we see through the eyes of Russia they want to take Ukraine back into Russia. Putin sees Ukraine as a territory they are reclaiming. The United States sees otherwise about that issue. Russia sees the US as the bad one that is intervening in a issue they have no part of but for political and economical gains.